Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DotA Items
There's a wide variety of items in DotA. In order to make the most powerful items, you must combine items, and merge them inte new ones using Recipes. There are four merchants selling recipes in each base.
    Level 1 Human Recipes
    Level 2 Orc Recipes
    Level 3 Night Elf Recipes
    Level 4 Undead Recipes
The higher level on the recipes, the more the items needed cost, as well as how powerful the items get. Sometimes, you don't need to buy the recipes, since the items merge by themselves. Otherwise, you need to buy the recipe.
this is the lates item chart i can get


When the game starts, the host first chooses the game mode (Normally in a official tournament such as SMM( Sendi Mutiara Multimedia) will choose the -cm mode or known as the captain mode). Now, you have either choosen a hero, or been given one by random. Then it's time to buy items, and select which one of the three lanes you want to go; Upper left, bottom right, or in the middle. At each camps side, Sentinel and Scourge, theres a barrack at the beginning of the lane, sending creeps down the lane towards the opponents base. You earn extra gold and experience when killing the opposing teams creeps.

Theres 6 towers placed at each lane, 3 to each side, Sentinel and Scourge they are mostly call as the level 1, level 2, level 3 towers. These towers are really powerful in the beginning, but later in the game, it's up to the heroes of each team to destroy them, and push with the forces down the lanes. By killing enemy heroes, you gain extra gold, and experience, to help you further push down the lanes. With your gold, you can improve your hero with many different items, where theres a wide range between the power and prices.

hmm....a start about dota

The objective of playing DotA is very simple that is to destroy the opposing teams Ancient. If you're the Sentinel, your objective is to destroy the Frozen Throne. If you're the Scourge, you need to destroy the World Tree.